SEO case studies & data analysis with Victor Karpenko of SeoProfy

Victor Karpenko SeoProfy podcast SEO interview

Meet Victor Karpenko, CEO at SeoProfy who says to have SEO success, you need to look deeper at data and think hard about user intent.

🤔 How do you use SEO to sell a $12,000 vacuum cleaner?

🚗 The answer? Creating content on how to start your own car detailing business using the best vacuum cleaner on the market and also creating content on equipment financing for this niche vacuum cleaner.

📈 The result? Lots of sales and another happy SEO client.

🎧 This episode I talk with Victor about a few SEO tactics that are worth considering and he breaks down how he looks at data for his projects to make better decisions for his businesses.

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Where to listen

In this episode, we had the privilege of speaking with Victor Karpenko, the founder of SeoProfy and LinkChecker.Pro. It was an engaging and insightful conversation that shed light on Victor’s journey through the world of SEO and affiliate marketing.

As Victor introduced himself, it became evident that he’s a seasoned professional in the field. He is the founder of SeoProfy, a well-established SEO agency with a team of approximately 200 experts. They cover everything SEO-related, from link building to content creation, technical optimizations, and innovative tools.

His SEO journey began back in 2004-2005 when he ventured into the domain name business, which led him to the process of building websites. During the episode, we delved into his past presentations, and one that stood out was from 2019 in Chiang Mai called “From Zero to $100,000 per Month in the Casino Niche.”

Our conversation also touched on a common misconception in the SEO world. Many newcomers expect quick wins and instant success, but Victor underlined the importance of consistency. He shared his personal experiences of failure, emphasizing that failing is part of the process and the importance of using it as a stepping stone for improvement.

The discussion then turned to the power of data in SEO. Victor recounted a remarkable example—an underrated strategy involving rel canonical redirects. He revealed how this approach, often overlooked, can be a game-changer for SEO.

If I had to distill three key takeaways from this conversation, they would be:

  1. No fancy tool can beat a proficient team: A top-level team can select the best tools, use them at an expert level, make informed decisions, and handle implementation. Are there excellent tools out there? Definitely. However, only by having the knowledge and experience to use them, we can harness their full potential.
  2. Give users what they want: To achieve good retention and conversion rates, you need to understand your users and help them get what they want quickly and easily. A user seeking information about casino bonuses is different from one looking for a valid bonus in their country that accepts their payment method to start playing.
  3. Use data to make decisions: One size doesn’t fit all; each company needs to develop its metrics, gather data consistently, and utilize that information. Having a wealth of data is fantastic, but it won’t benefit your business unless you analyze it and use it to make decisions.

This is my summary of the conversation, but I encourage you to listen to the conversation directly to get your conclusions.

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